About the Site

The LCN event is an annual celebration of Leonard Cohen's life and music, held in Edmonton every September.

In 2008, the biennial Cohen event organized by The Leonard Cohen Files combined forces with the annual "Leonard Cohen Nights" festival in Edmonton for the best and largest event yet! The 2008 festival featured multiple concerts with artists from Jann Arden to Serena Ryder, open mike performances, poetry readings, and a visual arts display as well as a wide variety of participant activities.

This site lists information for participants - both local and international - for planning a trip to Edmonton, and to learn about past and future events. Links to specific areas of information are available below or along the left hand side of this page.

Please feel free to browse the site and contact us at cohenites@gmail.com if you have any questions or requests. Make sure to check out our official site at www.leonardcohennights.org as well.

Monday, December 10

Volunteers Wanted!

This festival does not form spontaneously every year - it is carefully built by a team of fantastic volunteers, most notably our Board of Directors and Dr. Kim Solez, the President of the society.

However, as our festival grows so too do our staffing needs. We are looking for volunteers during the 2008 event, people of all ages, professions and walks of life. The more the merrier!

We ask that you volunteer at least two 4hr shifts during the festival. Please send an email to cohenites@gmail.com specifying what area (below) you would be most interested in, and what days you are arriving/departing. There will be a special breakfast on the final day of the festival, as well as many other perks, for the volunteers + board members... But the biggest perk will be the pure joy of being involved with such an amazing festival!

Areas you can volunteer for:
Hospitality and Registration (Indoors, near the booze and food, at the center of everything)
Security (keeping an eye on those of us too inebriated to sleep and making sure no-one ransacks the room between 3-7am)
The Picnic (working with Tori to organise food/activities for the friday afternoon picnic party - outdoors!)
Tour Leaders (You don't need to be local - Ideally, I want to pair one Edmontonian and one international guest for each tour)
Hospitality (mornings: help people find event locations, tour groups. Evenings: helping set up each night's theme and running errands for the evening's performers)

*****Please note!: you will not be working your little tail off the entire shift. The idea is to have people readily available in the hospitality room at all times, but you are welcome to volunteer with friends or socialize during your shift. Tour leaders will have specific duties, of course (like making sure the tour doesn't go off track) but again the idea is to relax and have fun, even for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering but not sure if it will interfere with your enjoyment of the festival, please email me and I will be happy to discuss the responsibilities --and lack there of-- for volunteers****

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