About the Site

The LCN event is an annual celebration of Leonard Cohen's life and music, held in Edmonton every September.

In 2008, the biennial Cohen event organized by The Leonard Cohen Files combined forces with the annual "Leonard Cohen Nights" festival in Edmonton for the best and largest event yet! The 2008 festival featured multiple concerts with artists from Jann Arden to Serena Ryder, open mike performances, poetry readings, and a visual arts display as well as a wide variety of participant activities.

This site lists information for participants - both local and international - for planning a trip to Edmonton, and to learn about past and future events. Links to specific areas of information are available below or along the left hand side of this page.

Please feel free to browse the site and contact us at cohenites@gmail.com if you have any questions or requests. Make sure to check out our official site at www.leonardcohennights.org as well.

Sunday, March 16

Roddy Hart

Twenty-six year old Scotland native Roddy Hart’s mature, self-assured voice is in direct contrast to the songwriter’s youthful appearance. While it typically takes most singer/songwriters considerable time to shape their individual voices and their ability to write with a sense of self, Roddy Hart has done so at a noticeably young age and with relatively little live performance or studio time.
One could attribute Hart’s remarkably mature songwriting to his propensity for assimilating his rootsy Americana influences, namely Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and Kris Kristofferson, the latter of which has embraced the young songwriter and contributed to his debut release, Bookmarks. Although Hart was predestined to become a musician, it was not until after a five-year stint at law school (which resulted in a first class honors degree) did he focus his efforts on song craft. “I never had any intentions of doing anything other than music, but I just wanted to broaden my horizons – I felt I was too young and unqualified to write about things I hadn’t experienced yet,” Hart says. Like a fine wine, Hart waited to uncork his gifts until they had fully matured, a sense of restraint that is apparent in his vocals.
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